As some of you may know, if you’ve been following me for a while, I’ve been a long-time member of the Leadbolt CPA publisher network and have made a lot of money with them.
Many of Leadbolt’s offers were for the United States and Canada, which was inconvenient for me because my traffic is coming from worldwide, not just the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This has a significant impact on my wages. I used to make more than $500 a month, but now I only make $50 per month.
I was in big trouble, and I needed to find new CPA publisher networks. No one was taking me into their program, and I had almost given up hope of ever making more money online, until suddenly…
A friend recommended that I join the AdworkMedia publisher network. I gave it a go, and within 24 hours, I was a member of their network. I started looking at the additional tools they gave after logging in. With so many possibilities at my disposal, I was highly impressed. We’ll go over each of those options one by one.
The AdworkMedia Material Locker
Table of Contents
Under the fancy “Tools” dropdown menu, I found the good old content vault that I required. So far, I’ve been pleased with the large variety of optimization and customization choices available. I went ahead and made a lovely content locker for myself.
When you click on “Content locker,” you’ll be sent to an overview page with all the information of your currently active gates.
The content overview displays all content gateways, as well as their impressions, clicks, and conversion rates, as well as their earnings. I understand that AdworkMedia has a wide range of offers and surveys for a wide range of nations.
What if AdworkMedia does not have an offer for a specific country?
If no survey or offer is available for one particular country, you can urge visitors to participate with your content on social media. In such instance, the visitor would be asked to either like or +1 your page on Facebook or follow you on Twitter.
Only then would he be allowed to go on to the content. This technology is really beneficial to me because it allows me to extract all of the juice from every interested visitor. This only benefits me because the stuff I give away appeals to everyone, and I feel horrible when a person from a specific country is unable to receive it from me simply because he lives in an area where no offers are available. Everyone is now content!
Tool for customizing content lockers
When you click the “New Gateway” option, you’ll be brought to a screen where you may create and personalize your own content locker. After the offer has been completed, you will be able to add redirect links, a Facebook page to be liked, or a Google.
You can enter your Google Analytics ID for tracking under the advanced options tab. Adwork Media provides this as a very useful option to its publishers. This tool will be useful to advanced users because it allows you to track and analyze your traffic, which can then be utilized to optimize your offers. In summary, you’ll learn about demographics and visitor statistics that can aid you in creating appropriate offers and surveys for your guests.
I discovered that AdworkMedia content lockers have anti-adblock tools that work fantastically! You add the content locker code to your website and enable anti-adblocking.
However, the ub3r smart people can still get around it, but their numbers are tiny enough that I wouldn’t mind if they did. Those engaging with these individuals, on the other hand, should encode their pages using an HTML encoder.
The product storage locker
When I first joined the Adworkmedia network, I had no idea what a product locker was. It enables you to distribute numerous types of digital information to your viewers. When you click the item locker button, you are presented with three possibilities.
The final two alternatives are particularly handy for me because I frequently release ebooks and find that many people do not have PayPal accounts owing to their location. Furthermore, some of them do not have credit cards with which to pay me. In such instances, I would absolutely employ Adworkmedia’s File Download product locker.
Because I run several game servers, the third choice, virtual currency, is also a nice benefit. Virtual currencies are excellent for monetizing the server. You can need players to complete surveys in order to earn extra points or things in the game.
I won’t go into detail about game server monetization because a brand new ebook will be released in a month that will include a variety of previously unknown strategies that I’ve used to earn thousands of dollars. I’m hoping you’ll be eager to get your hands on a copy of that ebook. I assure you that you will find it quite beneficial.
This product locker aids you in the creation of a splash page. I’m hoping you’re familiar with the term “splash page.” A splash page is a single-page website that contains all of the information on a specific product. They’re popular because of the great conversion rates they can achieve, and they’re utilized for more than just product sales. They’re also used to build email lists.
You can start by adding a file to the product locker maker. This is the file that will be used to deliver your final product to your target audience. Then you must provide your product information as well as a catchy title. It lets you to upload up to three photographs in the form of expanding thumbnails, as well as three YouTube videos that will open up when clicked.
This is an exquisite method to design a tiny product distribution page, in my opinion. I won’t go to great length about it, but it is an extremely valuable tool.
The AdworkMedia Link Locker
The link locker is a link shortener in a nutshell. Before proceeding, the visitor would be requested to complete a survey or an offer after clicking the shortened link. It could be a beneficial tool for many people, but I’ve never had decent conversion rates with it, so I prefer the good old content lockers.
Other options include “Postback services,” “Smart links,” “Pixel management,” “Email notifications,” and so on. When working with PHP coding, these tools come in handy. I won’t speculate about all these because I don’t have any experience with them yet.
What about AdworkMedia’s earnings?
That is a crucial question because we are here to earn money. So far, I’ve found that all of my conversions have been excellent. 90% of my conversions result in a profit of more than $1. Many of their deals cost more than $5. On Leadbolt CPA, I used to make a pittance of $0.3 to $0.8 per click.
You can join the AdworkMedia platform and earn money right now. And with that, my Adwork Media review comes to a close! If you ever need assistance with this network or CPA earning, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be pleased to assist you at any time.